The Great Rescue

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Exodus 3:1-14

Everything in the Old Testament are like shadows for which Jesus and the Gospel is the real object casting the shadow. Two of the greatest shadows in the Old Testament are the Passover and the Red Sea Crossing. In this message we explore those two shadows and what we learn about the gospel from them. NOTE: The first half of the sermon did not record the audio so this video is only of the second half of the message.

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The First Believer

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Genesis 11:27-12:8

The three great monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - each regard him as the father of their faith. But he grew up worshiping  the moon goddess Nana in present day Iraq. His name is Abraham and in this message we will explore where his faith in the One True God came from and what it was that made Abraham one of those most significant figures in all of human history.

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