Worship Service for the Week of February 9th

February 9, 2025
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 5:1-12

Sermon: Who Gets the Kingdom?

With great power comes great responsibility.  Before the disciples could really be released to flow in the power of the Kingdom to heal and cast out demons, they needed to learn the values of the Kingdom.  That's what the Sermon on the Mount was all about.  Sunday we look at three "Kingdom values" from the first three Beatitudes.

Worship Service for the Week of February 2nd

February 2, 2025
Scripture Texts:  John 1:35-42

Sermon: The King Builds an Army

Jesus came not just preaching the Kingdom but doing the works of the Kingdom.  He healed the sick and cast out demons.  And then he gave that same authority to his disciples.  Question:  Do we still have that authority?  If so, how and when should we be praying for healing and how do we safeguard ourselves from falling into unhealthy extremes?  Those are the questions we will tackle Sunday as we look at nine Biblical clues about healing for the church today.

Worship Service for the Week of January 26th

January 26, 2025
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 4:12-25

Sermon: The King Declares War

Jesus began his public ministry preaching the Kingdom and healing every sickness and casting out demons.  Far from "gentle Jesus meek and mild", Jesus came on the scene making a declaration of war!  This Sunday we begin to look at the nature of that war and what our part is in it. 

Worship Service for the Week of January 12th

January 12, 2025
Scripture Texts:  Luke 1:26-38

Sermon: Injected

Join us this Sunday as we continue with Christmas!  Tyrean Martinson will bring a word on Luke 1:26-38 which was the moment in time and space in which EVERYTHING changed for humanity forever.  The word became flesh in a poor maiden who said YES to an impossible assignment. 

Worship Service for the Week of January 5th

January 5, 2025
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 2:1-12

Sermon: The Coming of the Dawn

Who were the three kings who brought gifts to the baby Jesus in the stable?  Well, first off there weren't three of them and they weren't kings.  And Jesus wasn't a baby and there was no stable.  Find out who they really were and what really happened on Sunday as we celebrate Epiphany!

Worship Service for the Week of December 29th

December 29, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Isaiah 40:1-8

Sermon: The Silent Years

400 years go by between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament. We call these years the "silent years" because no prophets arose during this time nor were any inspired Scriptures written during this time.  However, God was not really silent.  He was working "under the hood" to get things ready for Jesus.  Join us Sunday as we explore what happened during these forgotten years.

Worship Service for the Week of December 22nd

December 22, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Jeremiah 29:1-14

Sermon: There and Back Again

What do internet dating services and the Old Testament have in common?  Find out Sunday as we begin to wrap up Book One of our "through the Bible" Trilogy and set the stage for Book Two starting in January.

Worship Service for the Week of December 15th

December 15, 2024
Scripture Texts:  2 Chronicles 20:5-15

Sermon: Four Good Kings

Four Kings beats a Full House!  Pretty good poker hand this Sunday as we look at the lives of FOUR GOOD KINGS of the southern Kingdom of Judah and what we can learn from their stories.

Worship Service for the Week of December 8th

December 8, 2024
Scripture Texts:  1 Samuel 8:4-22

Sermon: The Widow and the General

The most powerful king followed by civil war and the emergence of two kingdoms.  That happens and then it just gets confusing.  Join us Sunday as we make sense of the period of the kings of Israel and Judah and discover an Advent season romance embedded right in the heart of ancient Israel's story.

Worship Service for the Week of December 1st

December 1, 2024
Scripture Texts:  2 Samuel 18:19-33

Sermon: Absalom the Usurper

Join us this Sunday as we begin the season of Advent.  We will light the Prophecy Candle in expectation and hope of the coming of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David.  And we will also look at the tragic life of another "son of David" (Absalom) and how David's "father-fail" set the stage for a Descendant of his to accomplish what David could not bring himself to do.

Worship Service for the Week of November 17th

November 17, 2024
Scripture Texts:  1 Samuel 15:10-23

Sermon: The Tragedy of King Saul

Do you ever feel insecure or have issues of fearing what others think and allowing those fears to impact your decisions and behavior?  King Saul did.  Sunday we will be doing a study in brokenness - King Saul's and ours.

Worship Service for the Week of November 10th

November 10, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Joshua 24:1-15

Sermon: What Choice Do We Have?

In the words of Herman's Hermits, "Second verse, same as the first". We find ourselves in the final chapter of Joshua and the Israelites have done it again! In this service Mark Jones preaches from the text where Joshua reminds them, and us, to renew our covenant with the Lord. Also, Hannah Churness will be presenting on her India mission trip.  See you then!

Worship Service for the Week of November 3rd

November 3, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Numbers 13:26 - 14:9

Sermon: The Life Between

God dramatically rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and into a destiny for them in the Land of Promise that he is taking them to.  But before getting to that land of promise the Israelites experience 40 years of wilderness wandering.  This Sunday we will be doing an overview of that "wilderness wandering" period for God's people and what we can learn about our own wilderness seasons in our lives.

Worship Service for the Week of October 27th

October 27, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 3:1-14

Sermon: The Great Rescue

We just finished spending the first six weeks of our "Through the Bible" series in the book of Genesis. On Sunday Peter will guide us into the book of Exodus which records the single most important event in the entire Old Testament! 

Worship Service for the Week of October 13th

October 13, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 28:10-22

Sermon: Flawed Like Us

On Sunday we continue our "through the Bible" series with a look at the story of Jacob.  Join us as Tyrean shares about this very complex and flawed individual (like all of us) who became the father of a nation.  Sunday, 9:30am @ Ocean5.

Worship Service for the Week of October 6th

October 6, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 11:27-12:8

Sermon: The First Believer

The three great monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - each regard him as the father of their faith. But he grew up worshiping  the moon goddess Nana in present day Iraq. His name is Abraham and on Sunday we will explore where his faith in the One True God came from and what it was that made Abraham one of those most significant figures in all of human history.

Worship Service for the Week of September 29th

September 29, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 6:9-22

Sermon: The Flood and the Tower

On Sunday we continue our "through the Bible" series with a look at the next two key events in the early chapters of Genesis:  The Flood and the Tower of Babel.  Why did they happen and what function did they play in God's plan of redemption?  Find out this Sunday, 9:30am @ Ocean5.

Worship Service for the Week of September 22nd

September 22, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 4:1-16

Sermon: The World Before the Flood

Cain killed Abel and then was banished to the east.  Then he found a wife, had a kid and built a city.  So... if Cain is the firstborn of Adam and Eve, where did all the people come from?  Find out one possible answer to that question, along with three core lessons from the Cain and Abel story, this Sunday, 9:30am @ Ocean5.

Worship Service for the Week of September 15th

September 15, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 3:1-15

Sermon: Broken Beautiful World

If the stories of the Bible were a trilogy of books, book one would be the Old Testament, book two would be the gospels and book three would be the history of the early church in the book of Acts.  Or maybe we could give them the three titles of "Diagnosis", "Cure" and "Treatment".  Join us Sunday as we begin a 12 month journey through the Scriptures and see the thread that ties it all together.

Worship Service for the Week of September 8th

September 8, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 26:69-75

Sermon: Peter's Meltdown of Regret

We all have regrets.  What are we supposed to do with them?  On Sunday we'll see four things we're to do with our regrets as we spotlight the Apostle Peter's own meltdown of regret when he made the biggest mistake of his life.

Worship Service for the Week of September 1st

September 1, 2024
Scripture Texts:  1 Kings 19:1-18

Sermon: Elijah's Meltdown of Depression

What did Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Sir Isaac Newton all have in common?  They were individuals who all left a positive mark on history, but who suffered with severe bouts of depression.  Another such individual was the Prophet Elijah.  Join us Sunday as we look at what contributed to Elijah's meltdown of depression and the three things God did to help him out of it.

Worship Service for the Week of August 18th

August 18, 2024

Sermon: Moses' Anger Meltdown

Moses melted down with anger, more than once. Other heroes of our Faith had emotional meltdowns, too. What does this reveal about God and about ourselves? Join us Sunday as Matt Misterek kicks off a 4-week series on Epic Meltdowns of the Bible – and shares his own Epic Meltdown.

Worship Service for the Week of August 11th

August 11, 2024

Sermon: Word Studies - Teshuvah

This Sunday we wrap up our four week series called "Words Matter".  Each week we've been doing a word study on a significant Hebrew word in the Old Testament.  Our final word?  Teshuvah!  Often it is translated 'repentance'.  But that's a bit misleading.  Find out why on Sunday.

Worship Service for the Week of July 28th

July 28, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Lamentations 3:1-24

Sermon: Word Studies - EMUNAH

EMUNAH is the Hebrew word for faith.  But it doesn't exactly mean the same thing as the Greek word for faith.  And the difference is kind of a big deal.  Find out what that difference is Sunday as we continue our Word Studies sermon series.

Worship Service for the Week of July 7th

July 7, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Luke 9:20-25,51-62

Sermon: Jesus Is TOUGH

In our final message of our "character study of Jesus" series we get to some of the harder sayings of Jesus.  But we can now look at these challenging words of Jesus in the context of what we already know about him - that he is compassionate, forgiving, gentle and protective. And we'll be able to conclude that there are times when he also shows some tough love.

Worship Service for the Week of June 30th

June 30, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Mark 11:1-18

Sermon: Jesus Is PROTECTIVE

What triggers you?  You can learn a lot about a person based on that question.  Sunday we will be looking at what triggered Jesus to anger and what that reveals to us about what Jesus most cared about.  We will also be presenting a Bible to the last of our three High School graduates - Amaris Alstead!

Worship Service for the Week of June 23rd

June 23, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 11:16-30

Sermon: Jesus Is GENTLE

Gentle Jesus meek and mild.  Does that truly describe the Jesus who overturned tables in the temple and said I didn't come to bring peace but a sword? And yet... Jesus says in Matthew 11, "I am gentle".  Was Jesus bipolar?  Or did he just have massive mood swings?  Find out Sunday in week three of our series learning about God by looking at the character traits of Jesus.

Worship Service for the Week of June 16th

June 16, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Luke 5:17-26

Sermon: Jesus Is FORGIVING

This Sunday we present Bibles and blessings to our graduating Seniors.  We also continue our five-week series on learning about God by looking at Jesus.  This week we look at the forgiving and generous nature of God.

Worship Service for the Week of May 26

May 26, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 16:1-27

Sermon: The Ending Credits

The grand finale of the book of Romans may seem a bit anticlimactic.  Romans 16 is a bit like watching the credits roll at the end of a movie.  But, it turns out there are some great lessons embedded in the credits!  Join us Sunday as we wrap up our nine month journey through the greatest letter ever written.

Worship Service for the Week of May 12

May 12, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 14:1-15:13

Sermon: When We Passionately Disagree

What do you do when you have a fellow Christian with whom you passionately disagree with about something and you're pretty sure you're right and they are wrong?  Of course this is a complete hypothetical and would NEVER happen in real life... *cough* *cough*.  Join us Sunday as we look at Romans 14 and see five guidelines to use in handling disagreements with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Worship Service for the Week of May 5

May 5, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 13:1-14

Sermon: Follow the Leader?

What does the Bible say about our responsibilities to, and our relationship with, our governing authorities?  Does the Apostle Paul really teach that we need to do everything government employee James Wilborn commands?  Join us this Sunday to hear James Wilborn himself tell us the answer as he gives a message on Paul’s writings in Romans chapter 13 and God’s appointment of earthly rulers and governments.

Worship Service for the Week of April 21st

April 21, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 12:9-13

Sermon: Twelve Marks of the Church

After eleven chapters of Romans giving theology and doctrine, maybe you're the type of person who says, don't give me theory... just tell me what to do!  Be careful what you ask for.  In our text for this coming Sunday we have only five verses but in them are twelve marks of the church - twelve things we're to do as Christians!

Worship Service for the Week of April 14th

April 14, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 12:3-8

Sermon: Gifted

Christianity is not a spectator sport.  What are the unique gifts God has given you and how can you better use them (together with the rest of us) in fulfilling the mission Jesus gave us to be his visible presence in the world?

Worship Service for the Week of April 7th

April 7, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 12:1-2

Sermon: Therefore

What is the therefore there for? After 11 chapters of setting the groundwork and six months of reading Romans, Paul finally unveils God's plan for us. Find out in this service where Romans has been heading all along as Joel Price preaches on Romans 12:1-2.

Resurrection Sunday

March 31, 2024
Scripture Texts:  John 20:11-29

Sermon: Evidences for the Resurrection

Sunday, March 31, 9:30am @ Ocean5.  Christ is Risen!  Join us for joyful worship and an Easter message from Pastor Peter.  There will also be a children's sermon as well as Sunday School for the kids.  And if you want you can bring a flower to put on the flower cross!

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

March 29, 2024

Friday, March 29, 7pm @ Ocean5.  Our seven speakers this year are:  Sandy Churness, Bruce Schmitz, David Gilman, John Martinson, Kari Hooper, Austen Czuleger and Michael Bouterse.  Metropolitan Ballet will also be providing a deeply moving dance reflection.

Worship Service for the Week of March 10th

March 10, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 10:16-11:12

Sermon: The Israel Question

Support for the modern day nation of Israel has unfortunately become something of a hot topic these days. What should the Christian's attitude be towards Israel?  Romans 11 gives us some helpful hints towards a balanced perspective.  Join us Sunday as we wrestle together with an important topic.  Text is Romans 10:16-11:12.

Worship Service for the Week of March 3rd

March 3, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 10:1-15

Sermon: The Missions Link

Romans 9 to 11 is not about divine election.  It's about global evangelism.  It's the "missions link" that is often the "missing link" from most studies of the book of Romans. Join us Sunday as we look at Romans 10:1-15 where Paul uses that missions link to start to pull it all together.

Worship Service for the Week of February 25th

February 25, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 9:17-33

Sermon: Clay Pots and The Cornerstone

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know… (what you’re going to get.)
God is the potter. We are the clay. 
The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 
What do all three of these statements have in common?
Find out in this teaching as Tyrean Martinson leads through Romans 9:17-31. 

Worship Service for the Week of February 18th

February 18, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 9:1-16

Sermon: The Chapter People Skip

Romans 8 is the chapter everyone loves.  Romans 9 is the chapter everybody skips.  Sunday we begin a new section in Romans 9-11 which on the surface appears to be about happy-fun topics like election and predestination.  But it's actually about something else.  And that 'something else' happens to be the key to the entire book of Romans.  Join us as we start several weeks of exploring three of the most misunderstood chapters in the Bible.

Worship Service for the Week of February 4th

February 4, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 8:17-30

Sermon: Glory and Groaning

Glory and groaning dominate the middle section of Romans 8, what some call the greatest chapter in the Bible. Join us Sunday as guest preacher Matt Misterek explores how the two things go together!  

Worship Service for the Week of January 14th

January 14, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 6:15-23

Sermon: Slaves of Righteousness?

Paul in our Romans text for this Sunday (Romans 6:15-23) says that we are no longer a slave to sin but have become a slave of righteousness.  I personally used to struggle with that verse until I learned the secret of what that verse really means.  I'll share that secret with you on Sunday. 

Worship Service for the Week of January 7th

January 7, 2024
Scripture Texts:  Romans 6:1-14

Sermon: The Goal of the Gospel

If salvation is really a free gift and not dependent on how we live, then why can't we just live anyway we want?  That is the question that Paul asks as we move into Part Two of Romans, beginning with Romans chapter 6.  The answer to that question also gives us the keys to how real transformation happens.

Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Luke 2:1-14

Sermon: When Heaven Came To Earth

Join us Sunday @ 4pm for our very special one hour Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Ocean5.  We will have...
- Christmas Carols and Worship
- Puppet Show for Kids 
- New Christmas Movie Trivia Questions!
- A Message Called "When Heaven Came to Earth"
- Communion
- Candlelight singing of Silent Night

Worship Service for the Week of December 10th

December 10, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Revelation 21:1-5

Sermon: Truth From the Bible About Heaven

Part Two of our HEAVEN series.  This message we uncover SEVEN true things about heaven that we can glean from the Bible.

Worship Service for the Week of November 26th

November 26, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 5:12-21

Sermon: A Tale of Two Adams

This Sunday at One Hope we focus on the sin of gluttony!  J/K - Happy Thanksgiving!  Actually, we'll be wrapping up Part One of our Romans series by finishing up Romans chapter 5 with a look at "The Tale of Two Adams" in Romans 5:12-21.  Join us for a DEEP Scripture text (and also to receive absolution for overeating on Thursday).

Worship Service for the Week of November 19th

November 19, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 5:1-11

Sermon: What Saving Faith Does

This Sunday at One Hope Tyrean Martinson will be preaching a shorter message on Romans 5:1-11.  It will be a shorter message because we will also be welcoming a team of four young adults from the Minnesota based gap year program called The Awaken Project.  So join us and learn about The Awaken Project, hear some testimonies and also learn about the REALLY great news in Romans 5!

Worship Service for the Week of November 5th

November 5, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 3:27-31

Sermon: Inclusive Exlucivity

In the year 49 AD the Roman Emperor Claudius expelled all Jews from the city of Rome.  Five years later they were allowed to return.  What does that have to do with our study of the book of Romans?  Find out Sunday as we finish off Romans chapter three with a look at Romans 3:27-31.

Worship Service for the Week of October 22nd

October 22, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 3:1-20

Sermon: The Mirror

Last week the central message of our Romans 2:16-27 text was that Religion Can't Save You!  Well, then what is it good for?  That's the focus this Sunday as Paul wraps up this first major section of Romans and prepares for the greatest pivot in the whole Bible.  Text is Romans 3:1-20.  And the pivot starts in the very next verse!

Worship Service for the Week of October 8th

October 8, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 2:1-16

Sermon: The Big Setup

It was all a set up.  That's what last week's text was, Romans 1:18-32. This Sunday we'll revisit that text and the downward spiral of humanity and the decadence of a corrupt culture flowing from the Fall... and THEN see how Paul springs his trap in Romans 2:1-16. Paul was just setting you and me up. 

Worship Service for the Week of October 1st

October 1, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 1:18-32

Sermon: The Downward Spiral of Humanity

Houston, we have a problem!  Last Sunday we started our new series in the book of Romans by looking at Paul's thesis statement for Romans - that the Gospel is God's power to save everyone!  Starting this Sunday, Paul begins to defend that thesis.  Why the gospel? Why is it so needed?  Why can't there be some other way? Paul forcefully begins to give an answer to those questions in the second half of chapter 1.  This Sunday... Romans 1:18-32.

Worship Service for the Week of September 24th

September 24, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Romans 1:1-17

Sermon: The Thesis Statement

This Sunday we start our new year long series in the Book of Romans!  This will be a rich study in what some consider the greatest letter in the New Testament.  It's Paul's magnum opus!  And it's all about the Gospel of Grace, as well as how to make sense of the Old Testament in the light of Jesus!

Pat Lelvis Memorial Service

September 23, 2023

Saturday, September 23, 2pm

Service location:
Peninsula Christian Fellowship
3114 45th St Ct
Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Worship Service for the Week of August 27th

August 27, 2023
Scripture Texts:  2 Samuel 7:8-13

Sermon: The Covenant of the Kingdom

It’s been almost one year since Queen Elizabeth II died after being the longest reigning English monarch in history, over 70 years.  And then back in May of this year was good to see Charles finally get a real job at age 73 and stop living off his mom. Isn’t it interesting how fascinated our nation continues to be with the British Royal family?  Why is that?  This Sunday we delve into the answer.

Worship Service for the Week of August 20th

August 20, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 19:1-6,21-25

Sermon: The Covenant of the Law

For our summer series we are going through the six covenants of the Old Testament, and as we come on Sunday to the fourth covenant, the Mosaic Covenant, we come to a bit of a plot twist in the salvation drama unfolding in the Old Testament.  This Sunday we'll explore what the plot twist is, and how it plays into the overall storyline of God's great rescue mission of humanity.

Worship Service for the Week of August 13th

August 13, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 17:1-8

Sermon: The Covenant of the Promise

The three great monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - each regard him as the father of their faith. But he grew up worshipping the moon goddess Nana. His name is Abraham and this Sunday we explore where his faith in the One True God came from along with the incredible meaning of the Abrahamic covenant. 

Worship Service for the Week of July 30th

July 30, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 6, 7, 8 & 9 (selections)

Sermon: The Covenant of Preservation

This Sunday Peter is going to preach on the Noahic Covenant, the Flood and the Tower of Babel in... TWELVE MINUTES!  Okay... what's the catch you ask?  It's a good catch.  For the second half of our message time Hannah and Megan will be reporting on their mission trip to India!  

Worship Service for the Week of July 23rd

July 23, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Genesis 1:26-31

Sermon: The Covenant of Creation

In this service we start a new six week series looking at the six COVENANTS in the Old Testament.  We'll use the covenant theme as the thread that will lead us through a broad overview of the entire Old Testament.  Up first in this service?  The Covenant of Creation.

No Worship Service @ Ocean5 on Sunday, July 16

July 16, 2023

OHC will hold worship at Sehmel Park AND Celebrate Peter and Sandy’s 10 plus years of loving and leading our congregation.  It’s going to be a GREAT DAY and you won’t want to miss out on the fun.  Along with worship there will be stories, games for all and of course FOOD!  Come celebrate the goodness of God and the love of Jesus for his flock!
NOTE:  This event will take the place of our regular 9:30 am worship at Ocean 5.  The celebration will begin at 12:30 pm at the Sehmel Park Pavilion.

Worship Service for the Week of July 9th

July 9, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 5:12-20

Sermon: Prayers, Praise and Storytelling

In this last week of our study of James, Tyrean will attempt to answer all the questions left in James... or at least one. All joking aside, we will be delving into James 5:12-20 with an emphasis on prayers, praise, and storytelling. 

Worship Service for the Week of July 2nd

July 2, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 5:1-11

Sermon: Three Abuses of Wealth

In the message for this service we enter into the final chapter of James and the first six verses are a blistering indictment upon the "rich"!  Well... lest you get comfortable, by the world's standards... you are one of these "rich".  In this message we'll see how Scripture (and James) teaches it's no sin to be rich.  But James does identify three abuses of wealth and so it's a warning to all of us.  But he also gives us the solution in the second half of our text.  

Worship Service for the Week of June 25th

June 25, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 4:13-17

Sermon: The Two Greatest Sins

In the message for this service we look at James 4:13-17 and the sin of presumption. But there are actually two other sins that lie just beneath the service of that one.  In fact they may be the two greatest sins in the Bible.  Find out what they are in the message for this Sunday service.

Worship Service for the Week of June 4th

June 4, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 3:1-12

Sermon: Sticks and Stones

Here's an irony for you.  The last few weeks we've been looking at James chapter 2 where the message is, "It's not so much what you say that matters but what you do!"  In this service we move into chapter three where the message is, "But what you say does matter!"  In the message for this Sunday we look at the power of words to direct the course of a life, to bless people, to damage people, to reveal what's inside, and to heal.  

Worship Service for the Week of May 28th

May 28, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 2:14-26

Sermon: Faith and Works

Paul said in Romans 3 that we are justified by faith apart from works.  But James in our sermon text this Sunday says a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.  Join us as we discover how James and Paul are really in complete agreement with each other.  

Worship Service for the Week of May 21st

May 21, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 2:1-13

Sermon: This Is the Way

In this weeks service we finally get to chapter two of James!  James 2:1-13 says we should not show personal favoritism. Who would disagree with that? But James says it with such force and emotion. Why? Why is this such a big deal and what is the real heart of the matter? Find out during the teaching time for this service.

Worship Service for the Week of May 14th

May 14, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 1:19-27

Sermon: The Implanted Word

We love our mothers.  Sometimes we get frustrated with the hints and reminders, but we know they love us and that they want what is best for us. In this Mothers Day Sunday service Joel Price shares why James may be more like your mother than you ever considered.  

Worship Service for the Week of May 7th

May 7, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 1:12-18

Sermon: The Sin Cycle

Our text for this service is James 1:12-18 which shows clearly that James is a real pastor who understands the complexities of how human beings work.  Join us as James gives us a remarkably positive solution to a very ancient problem we all share.

Worship Service for the Week of April 30th

April 30, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 1:5-8

Sermon: Asking for Wisdom

James says that if we lack wisdom, we should ask for it.  But what does James mean by wisdom?  It's not what you might expect.  In this service as we dive into James 1:5-8 and see how those verses relate to last weeks text on putting our trials into the joy column of life.

Worship Service for the Week of April 23rd

April 23, 2023
Scripture Texts:  James 1:2-4

Sermon: Putting It in the Joy Column of Life

The Book of James teaches us to put our trials and hardships into the joy column of life.  But how do we practically do that?  James tells us that as well.  Join us Sunday as we do a quick introduction to the Book of James and then dive right into the opening verses of James 1:2-4.

Worship Service for the Week of April 2nd

April 2, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 13:47-52

Sermon: Parable of the Net

This service is our Palm Sunday service.  It's also called Passion Sunday because it marks the beginning of Christ's week of passionate suffering for us.  Why has Jesus come to this point?  Why is he here?  What motivated him to come to Jerusalem knowing it would end in his death five days later?  We learn of his motivation in the last of the seven parables of Matthew 13.  Join us as we wrap up one series and enter together into Holy Week.

Worship Service for the Week of March 19th

March 19, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 13:31-35

Sermon: Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

In this service we welcome our special guest speaker, Paul Gossman, director of World Mission Prayer League (the mission agency that Pat Lelvis had served with).  Paul will be continuing our series in the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 as well as giving us a great spotlight on what God is up to in our world and how we can be a part of it!

Worship Service for the Week of March 12th

March 12, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

Sermon: Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

In this service we will be looking at the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in our continuing study of the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13.  It's a parable about how the Kingdom of God is both HERE NOW... but also NOT YET fully.  In other words, it's about the war.

Worship Service for the Week of February 26th

February 26, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 13:1-17

Sermon: Parables of the Kingdom

In Matthew 13 Jesus says that it has been given to his followers to know the secrets of the Kingdom.  In this service we kick off a new series in which we will be sitting at the feet of our Rabbi Jesus as He unveils for us the secrets of the Kingdom of God hidden since the creation of the world.

Worship Service for the Week of February 19th

February 19, 2023
Scripture Texts:  1 Corinthians 12:31 - 14:1

Sermon: Clearing Up the Confusion About Tongues

So what really is the deal with the tongues gift? Is it auto suggestion? Could it sometimes be demonic? Is it legit? And if authentic, what is it's purpose and how should it be used? 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 has the answers. In this service we take a deep dive into what the Bible actually teaches about the gift of tongues as we wrap up our series on the Gifts of the Spirit.

Worship Service for the Week of February 12th

February 12, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Galatians 5:16-25

Sermon: Flying With Both Wings - The Fruit and the Gifts

Really excited to have my pastor and mentor with us at One Hope on Sunday, Pastor Paul Anderson.  Paul is an author and speaker who travels and ministers internationally.  He has a special ministry among Lutheran churches and Lutheran pastors in teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the context of a Lutheran theological perspective and so brings a healthy biblical balance in his approach.  Tomorrow he will be continuing our series on the gifts of the Spirit by teaching on how the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit are like two wings and how we need them both if we're to "fly straight"!

Worship Service for the Week of January 15th

January 15, 2023
Scripture Texts:  1 Corinthians 12:1,4-6

Sermon: The Nature of the Gifts

Can you tell the difference between real gold and counterfeit gold?  Experts can tell the difference because they understand the nature of true gold.  In this weeks teaching we look at the nature of the gifts.  This will help us in discerning what is authentic and what may be counterfeit.

Worship Service for the Week of New Years Day 2023!

January 1, 2023
Scripture Texts:  Luke 2:22-35

Sermon: The Cost of Christmas

Sunday, January 1st, we will be gathering for church at the place where One Hope Church had its beginning 12 years ago.  We'll be gathering at the Lodge, adjacent to the Colman property.  Service will be at 9:30am as usual.  We will not be able to livestream the service but we will video parts of it and post later.  In addition to singing, sharing memories, communion and a message from Pastor Peter, we will also be welcoming Elizabeth Schmitz into God's family through baptism!  

Worship Service for the Week of December 18th

December 18, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Luke 1:26-38

Sermon: The Mary Miracle

In this service Mark Jones takes 10 minutes to share about his recent missions adventure with Mercy Ships.  And Peter does a shorter message talking about the Mary Miracle of Luke 1:26-38.

Worship Service for the Week of December 11th

December 11, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 1:8-10,22; 2:1-8

Sermon: The Dress Rehearsal

Imagine you are behind the scenes at a dress rehearsal for an upcoming play or on set, preparing for an exciting new film about the greatest star of the universe. Are you longing for things to get started, anticipating the joy of what's to come, or dreading the possibility of someone finding out you haven't memorized your lines yet?  In the message for this service Tyrean helps us get behind the scenes on God's Story, and how he created the best foreshadowing of all time in the life of Moses as a preparation for Jesus.

Worship Service for the Week of November 27th

November 27, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Luke 1:5-20

Sermon: The Writing of the Play

In this service we enter the season of Advent with a new sermon series entitled, "The Unexpected King."  Each week of Advent will center around a significant birth in the Bible and how it points to the meaning of Christmas.  This Sunday we look at John the Baptist and the role he played in the big God Story!  

Worship Service for the Week of November 13th

November 13, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Zechariah 1:12-17; 9:9; 12:10; 13:1; 13:7-9

Sermon: Knowing Your Identity in ZECHARIAH

In this service the leadership team were away for our annual leadership and planning retreat, but we have an all-star cast leading the service with....
- Joel Price preaching on Zechariah
- Hannah Churness leading worship with the One Hope Worship Team
- Connie Alstead leading us in communion
- And the marvelous Ann Martin reading the Scriptures

Worship Service for the Week of September 25th

September 25, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Obadiah 1:8-18

Sermon: How God Ended the Feud in OBADIAH

Week Four of our new series going through the Minor Prophets!  This week we look at the Book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament - only 21 verses!  We also in this service commission Mark Jones who will be going to Spain for five weeks with Mercy Ships!

Worship Service for the Week of September 18th

September 18, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Amos 5:18-24

Sermon: Calling Out Injustice in AMOS

Week three of our new series going through the Minor Prophets!  This week we look at the Book of Amos.  Amos was a farmer turned prophet who acted as a whistleblower calling out the northern kingdoms oppression of the poor during a period of unprecedented wealth.  Amos is a book that speaks as powerfully today as it did back then.  

In this service we also welcome a little one into the family of God through baptism!

Worship Service for the Week of September 4th

September 4, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hosea 3:1-5

Sermon: God's Covenant Love in HOSEA

In this service we start our brand new 12 week series in the Minor Prophets.  Each week we will do a brief overview of one of the Minor Prophets as well as look at one theme from the text.  This Sunday we give some context for the Minor Prophets and then dive into the first book:  Hosea.

Worship Service for the Week of August 28th

August 28, 2022

Sermon: Missions Spotlight

Missions focus as Hannah and Megan share about their India mission trip and Andrea from Children of the Nations (COTN) shares about how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Worship Service for the Week of August 21st

August 21, 2022
Scripture Texts:  2 Cor 1:3-11

Sermon: Seven Truths of a Sufferer

Michael Bouterse, director of Thrive Gig Harbor is our guest speaker for this service.  In the message time, Michael teaches on 2 Cor 1:3-11 sharing seven truths of a sufferer.

Worship Service for the Week of August 14th

August 14, 2022

Sermon: Dustin Polley - Thrive Kitsap

Dustin Polley, director of Thrive Kitsap will be our on this Sunday.  Thrive is a community of young adults, ages 18- 28, on a journey to know Jesus.  One Hope is a big supporter of Thrive Gig Harbor, but did you know there is a branch of Thrive in Kitsap?  Find out more during the service for this week!

Worship Service for the Week of August 7th

August 7, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 12:38-45

Sermon: How Can You Praise God In Your Sin?

How can you praise God in your sin?  Is that possible?  Find out as Mia Alexander brings the teaching!

Worship Service for the Week of July 31st

July 31, 2022
Scripture Texts:  John 5:31-40

Sermon: Adopting Jesus' View of the Bible

When it comes to the Bible, how should we view it?  Is it authorative?  Good advice?  Inspiring stories?  Outdated?  Irrelevant?  Well, for the Christian there really is only one answer.  And that is how did Jesus view the Bible.  As Jesus followers we will want to see the Bible as Jesus did.  That's the focus for this message which can also aid us in sharing with others what we believe the Bible is and why.

Worship Service for the Week of July 24th

July 24, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Romans 1:18-20; 2:12-16

Sermon: Doing the Work of Pre-Evangelism

Last week we talked about What IS the Gospel?  This week we look at both how to share the gospel and also how to do the work of "pre-evangelism" by helping people wrestle with the questions of... "how can you know that God exists?" and... for the person with a worldview that says all truth is relative, how can you help them see that there ARE absolute moral laws and that they actually believe that there is, even if they don't think they do.

Worship Service for the Week of July 17th

July 17, 2022
Scripture Texts:  1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Sermon: Three Things Core to the Gospel

What is the gospel and how would you explain it to someone who doesn't have much of a church background?  That's our focus in this message as we continue our summer series called, "Public Faith:  Joining Jesus On His Mission".  

Worship Service for the Week of July 3rd

July 3, 2022
Scripture Texts:  John 4:4-26

Sermon: Seven Spiritual Conversation Killers

Week two of our new series "Public Faith - Joining Jesus on His Mission".  This week we take a closer look at how Jesus did "evangelism" by looking at the conversation he has with the woman at the well in John 4.  We also warn against seven "spiritual conversation killers"!  Oh, and then there is one critical prerequisite you should know about if you're going to engage in spiritual conversations with people.

Worship Service for the Week of June 26th

June 26, 2022
Scripture Texts:  John 4:27-42

Sermon: Why a Public Faith?

In this service we start our new series entitled:  Public Faith - Joining Jesus on His Mission.  Six week series on how to share our faith in authentic and respectful ways that treat people as we would want them to treat us.

Worship Service for the Week of June 19th

June 19, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 13:7-21

Sermon: Outside

In this service we hit the grand conclusion of our months long Hebrews study with a challenge to join Jesus on his mission... outside the gate.

Worship Service for the Week of June 12th

June 12, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 13:1-6

Sermon: Showing Hospitality

In our text for this Sunday, Hebrews 13:1-6, we have a list of things Christians are to do and not do.  There's a couple strange things about this list.  Find out what they are in this week's message.

Worship Service for the Week of June 5th

June 5, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 12:18-29

Sermon: A Tale of Two Mountains

Today's text mentions TWO mountains.  Given that James Wilborn will be delivering the teaching time for todays text, I suspect this service may have some hiking stories as well as some steller exposition of our text.

Worship Service for the Week of May 29th

May 29, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 12:11-17

Sermon: Overcoming the Esau Syndrome

Ice cream... with Blue Diamond almonds... and peanut M&M's... and Hershey's chocolate on top.  How could you possibly say "no" to that?  That's the question we tackle as we explore how to overcome the Esau Syndrome of Hebrews 12:11-17.

Worship Service for the Week of May 22nd

May 22, 2022

Sermon: The Father's Discipline

This Sunday our text is Hebrews 12:1-11 which is all about what to do when life is hard. This text is perhaps even more relevant today than it was 2000 years ago for never has there been a culture such as ours with a lower pain threshold. Join us as we tackle this important topic together.

Worship Service for the Week of May 1st

May 1, 2022

Sermon: Action Teams Relaunch

A couple times a year we have a Vision Sunday to recap our Vision. This Sunday however is an ACTION SUNDAY! Instead of a sermon we are re-introducing our Action Teams (as well as noting some changes). And we also give an update from our Staffing Review Team (which is being renamed Ministry Review Team to better reflect the DNA of One Hope!). AND... we hear about an exciting ministry opportunity right here in our front yard that we can all be a part of. Time to get moving One Hope and we need EACH of you to help!

And here's a couple files we'll be referencing in the service - if you're watching from home you may want to refer to them:

Action Teams

Action Teams Interest Form

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

April 15, 2022

Join us for our very special Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Ocean5 at 7pm.  This year our speakers are all between the ages of 14 and 21:  Megan Churness, Laurel Oelke, Parker Bare, Collin Moore, Jack Price, Halle Price and Amaris Alstead. 

Worship Service for the Week of April 10th

April 10, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 10:1-18

Sermon: Once For All

Do-overs, reruns and sequels dominate our society. But that's not how Jesus works. Learn why in this special Palm Sunday celebration as Matt Misterek brings the teaching time in our continuing study of the book of Hebrews. 

Worship Service for the Week of March 27th

March 27, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 8:1-13

Sermon: Losing My Religion

Jesus did not come to start a new religion but rather to end the need for ALL of them and to give us in it's place a radical new covenant relationship with God.  That's our focus in this weeks teaching from Hebrews chapter 8.

Worship Service for the Week of March 6th

March 6, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 5:11-6:12

Sermon: Falling Away

We come to the text Peter has been dreading coming to the whole series.  In this service we tackle the controversail question of "Can someone lose their salvation?"  And is that that our text can say that someone who has fallen away can never be restored to repentance?  Tough text.  But this is the Word of the Lord - thanks be to God.  Hebrews 5:11-6:12.

Worship Service for the Week of February 20th

February 20, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 4:1-13

Sermon: Entering the Rest

How do we "Enter the Rest" and what is the REST that we're to enter into?  Peter thought he knew what the answer was.  Then he studied the text.  Find out what he discovered in this message from Hebrews 4:1-13.

Worship Service for the Week of February 13th

February 13, 2022
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 3:1-19

Sermon: Hold Fast, Trust God, Consider Jesus

As we journey through the book of Hebrews together, once a month a member of One Hope will be guiding us on that journey.  This service is one of those months.  Peter leads us in worship and as Tyrean Martinson brings the message based out of Hebrews 3:1-19!

Christmas Eve Service 2021

December 24, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Matthew 1:18-25

Sermon: God With Us

Join us for this one hour service as we celebrate together GOD WITH US!  Service will be live at Ocean5 and will end in our candlelight tradition.  It will also be streamed live here on our website and an YouTube.

Worship Service for the Week of December 19th

December 19, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Deuteronomy 32:48-52

Sermon: A Tale of Two Mountains

Moses had three mountain top experiences with God during the course of his long life - two on Mt. Sinai and one on Mt. Nebo.  Sunday we wrap up our Life of Moses series by reflecting on that last encounter with God which ended his inredible jounrey with Yahweh God and what that teaches us about our own journey.

Worship Service for the Week of December 12th

December 12, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 33:12-23

Sermon: Show Me Your Glory

Glory is a slippery word.  What does it actually mean?  This Sunday we'll be exploring that question as we look at the passage where Moses prays, "Lord, show me your glory."  That prayer is the climax of a fascinating multi-part conversation between Moses and God containing several lessons for us today.  That's the focus of this week's message.

Worship Service for the Week of December 5th

December 5, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Numbers 21:4-9

Sermon: Just Look

Where did the universal symbol of healing come from?  And what does it have to do with the second Sunday in Advent?  Find out in this weeks service, 9:30am @ Ocean5 or streamed live on this page.

Worship Service for the Week of November 21st

November 21, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 15, 16, 17, 18

Sermon: Lessons from the Desert

You ever do a travelogue?  On this day we went "here" and saw "this" and this is what we discovered.  That's what Moses and the Israelite troop did as they trounced through the wilderness from the Red Sea to Sinai.  In this Sundays service we take a look at their travelogue and five significant things that happened on the trail and five lessons learned along the way. 

Worship Service for the Week of November 14th

November 14, 2021

Sermon: Psalm 73

For this weeks service, Michael Bouterse guest preaches for us again, and the Moore's lead us in worship.  Join us at Ocean5 or livestreamed on YouTube at 9:30am.  Also, please be in prayer for our entire leadership team who is away on a prayer and vision retreat this weekend.

Worship Service for the Week of October 31st

October 31, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 14:10-31

Sermon: The Great Escape

The cross is the most important event in the New Testament. This Sunday we look at the most important event in the Old Testament.  Both events are about the exact same thing - the great escape.  Join us in-person at Ocean5 at 9:30am or online via YouTube.

Worship Service for the Week of October 24th

October 24, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 12:1-13

Sermon: Where's the Lamb?

In real space-time history, at one moment in time, the ultimate force in the universe swept through the greatest power on earth to destroy... and the only thing that will protect on this night... is a little lamb.  That is what we will be unpacking on Sunday as we continue our Life of Moses series.  Join us at Ocean5 at 9:30am or via the livestream on youTube!

Worship Service for the Week of October 17th

October 17, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Exodus 5:1-2

Sermon: Why the Plagues?

This week at One Hope we look at the "cheery" topic of the 10 plagues inflicted upon Egypt during the time of the Exodus.  It's all part of our "Life of Moses" series.  So why did God do that to Egypt?  Was it really necessary?  Find out this week at Ocean5 at 9:30am or streamed live on YouTube.

Worship Service for the Week of September 5th

September 5, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 19

Sermon: Finished

In John 19 Jesus finished the work of our redemption.  And in this Sunday's video service we'll be looking at the crucifixion account in John 19 as Peter "finishes" our LONG series in the Gospel of John!

Monthly Celebration Service - August 15

August 15, 2021

Sermon: Benediction

This is our monthly in-person worship service at Ocean5. It's also the last Sunday D'Vante and Grace are with us at Ocean5.  D'Vante gives this message and leads worship.  In the middle we have a time of prayer for D'Vante Grace.  We will miss you!

Worship Service for the Week of August 8th

August 8, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 17:1-5

Sermon: Trinity 101

In this Sunday's video service, Peter preaches on John 17:1-5 during which time he COMPLETELY explains the TRINITY such that you will no longer have any further questions! (Okay, may have oversold that a bit...).

Worship Service for the Week of August 1st

August 1, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 16:25-33

Sermon: Overcome

In this weeks video service, Peter leads us in worship and D'Vante teaches on John 16:25-33.  Peter also gives a report at the end of Peter and Sandy's week at the LCMC LeaderCare retreat with 30 other pastors and spouses.

Worship Service for the Week of July 4th

July 4, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 15:9-17

Sermon: Friend

Jesus in John 15:9-17 offers his disciples (and us) friendship with God. What does that mean? Find out in this weeks worship service video (that is, if you can... Peter for some reason felt it was a good idea to record the message OUTSIDE on the weekend of the Tacoma-Narrows Air Show! - final third is quite humous actually...).

Worship Service for the Week of June 27th

June 27, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 15:9-11

Sermon: Joy

What is joy?  Why is it important?  When should we have joy and how do we get it?  Those are the main four questions we ask about joy, but there's a bonus fifth question too - all flowing from John 15:9-11.

Worship Service for the Week of June 20th

June 20, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 15:1-8

Sermon: Abide

In this weeks video service Peter leads us in worship and D'Vante teaches on John 15:1-8, one of the mountain peak passages of the Bible.

Worship Service for the Week of June 13th

June 13, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 14:25-27

Sermon: A Different Peace

In John 14:27 Jesus says he is leaving his disciples with peace, but not as the world gives peace.  What did Jesus mean by that?  Whas did Jesus mean by the world's kind of peace and how is it different from the kind of peace Jesus gives.  That's the question we explore in this weeks worship service video and message.

Worship Service for the Week of May 30

May 30, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 14:6-14

Sermon: Show Us the Father

What is God like? Loving? Forgiving? Compassionate? We assume so. We believe so. We hope so. But what if we're wrong? How can we really know for sure what God is like? That will be the focus of this Sundays message as we look at John 14:6-14 and discover four words that describe God by looking at Jesus.

Worship Service for the Week of May 16

May 16, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 13:21-38

Sermon: Judas and Peter

In this weeks video Pastor Peter has us look at the contrast in John 13 (and elsewhere) between Peter and Judas. Turns out understanding the difference between the two is critical to understanding how to truly live the Christian life.

Worship Service for the Week of April 18

April 18, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 12:1-11

Sermon: Anointing Jesus

In Sunday's video service we have...  

  • The return of Ann Martin reading Scripture
  • The return of One Hope services at Mallards Landing!
  • The return of Pastor Peter preaching (not sure that's a draw... but it fits my theme here)
  • The return of D'Vante leading worship (okay... that's like almost every week)
  • The return of Mark Jones making vision videos while camping (pretty sure he did that a year ago as well)
  • The return of the Gospel of John!  

Worship Service for the Week of April 11, 2021

April 11, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Luke 15:11-24

Sermon: Come To the Party!

In this weeks worship service video, we wrap up our Livin' Forgiven series by watching the final session of the class recorded five years ago at One Hope. Join Pat Lelvis as we together seek to say YES to the invitation of Jesus to "Come to the Party!"

Easter Service for the Week of April 4th

April 4, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 20:19-31

Sermon: This Changes Everything

In addition to celebrating the victory of Jesus over sin, death the devil, in this recording of our Easter service you can see little William Joseph being baptized into Jesus and full membership with One Hope. And also we sadly say goodbye to long time members Dan & Ashley Pearson as they head to Minnesota.

Palm Sunday Worship for the Week of March 28th

March 28, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 14:5-12

Sermon: Old Corpses and the New Kingdom

In this special Palm Sunday edition of our worship service videos, Peter leads us in worship and communion, and Pat Lelvis delivers her final full message in our Livin' Forgiven series. Please join us through this video in welcoming Jesus our King!

Worship Service for the Week of March 21st

March 21, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Romans 8:1

Sermon: I'm My Own Enemy

In this weeks worship service video, Pat gives the sixth sermon in our "Livin' Forgiven" series as she helps us identify the third source of false guilt.  Also in the video is some important announcements about our Holy Week happenings..

Worship Service for the Week of March 14th

March 14, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Isaiah 53

Sermon: Sources of False Guilt

In this weeks worship service video, Pat gives the fifth sermon in our "Livin' Forgiven" series as she helps us identify another one of the sources of false guilt.  Also, Christine Timboe gives us an update on the Call Team process in preparations for D'Vante's graduation in August.

Worship Service for the Week of February 28th

February 28, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Eph 1:7; Col 2:13

Sermon: Home Free

In this weeks worship service video Pat Lelvis continues our journey in the series "Livin' Forgiven!"  Session Three - "Home Free" - class video was sent on Thursday.  Pat's sermon in this video does a recap of that class and then draws us into some very practical (and personal) application.

Worship Service for the Week of February 21st

February 21, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Colossians 1:13

Sermon: Rescued!

This week we are doing Part Two of an eight part series called "Livin' Forgiven" by Pat Lelvis.  In this weeks worship service video Pat gives a short sermon which serves as a follow up to the full Session Two class from 2016.

Worship Service for the Week of February 14th

February 14, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 8:36

Sermon: Free to Fail!

In this weeks service retired missionary and teacher Pat Lelvis begins a new series for us called Livin' Forgiven.  In this opening session, Pat tells of a spiritually dark time in her life. Though she was a long-time Christian and a missionary, she lost connection with God, and wandered in the darkness of doubt and guilt. In response to her cry, God sent an unlikely person to lead her out of darkness back into the Light.

Worship Service for the Weekend of February 6/7

February 6, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 14:14

Sermon: The Praying Church

Where:  PCF, 3114 45th St Ct, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 (Back Auxiliary Building) [Also Live Streamed]
When:  Saturday, February 6th, 5pm

In this weeks service we conclude our five part series called REBOOT with a focus on the fourth thing the early church devoted themselves to:  Prayer.

Worship Service for the Week of January 31st

January 31, 2021
Scripture Texts:  John 4:21-23

Sermon: The Real Presence

In this weeks video D'Vante brings a teaching on worship as we continue our back to basics series called REBOOT.  Communion is also facilitated in this video so be sure to have some bread and wine/juice prepared before watching if you want to participate in that portion of the video.

Worship Service for the Week of January 17th

January 17, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Hebrews 4:12

Sermon: The Living Word

What do we believe the Bible is our authority?  And does biblical authority even mean?  What does it "look like"?  Those are the questions explored in this weeks teaching on Acts 2:42 and the four things the early church devoted themselves to.

Worship Service for the Week of January 10th

January 10, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Acts 1:8

Sermon: The Missio Dei

In this service Peter launches a new five part series called "Reboot". In this series we'll be looking at the four things the early church devoted themselves to. But for this first message in the series we talk about the Missio Dei - "The Mission of God". We do the four things so we can better participate in the Missio Dei!

Worship Service for the Week of January 3rd

January 3, 2021
Scripture Texts:  Romans 12:1-21

Sermon: Hope for 2021

Continuing our Turning the Page theme as D'Vante teaches out of Romans 12 a message encouraging us to move forward with hope into 2021 and to apply the lessons we learned in 2020.

Worship Service for the Week of December 27th

December 27, 2020

Sermon: Lessons From 2020

Very simple service on Sunday to close out a crazy year. A couple worship songs followed by a controversial sermon from Pastor Peter that dips into the political entitled, "Seven Lessons from the Year 2020".  The seven lessons are lessons about politics, unity, government, community, evangelism, finances and eternity.

Christmas Eve Service 2020

December 24, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Luke 1:26-38

Sermon: Questions From an Angel

We had a great Christmas Eve service via Zoom full of great music, meaningful video clips and Pastor Bill preaching a message entitled "Questions From an Angel" from the text Luke 1:26-38. Here is the "Non-Zoom" version of the service in case you missed it.

Worship Service for the Week of December 20th

December 20, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 11:1-44

Sermon: The Author Steps on the Stage

In this weeks video... the last Sunday in Advent... the last worship time with D'Vante at St. John's... the last sermon on the Gospel of John for a while... and hopefully the last time you'll see Mark Jones wearing the head gear he wears in this video!

Worship Service for the Week of December 13th

December 13, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 10:22-39

Sermon: The Feast of Dedication

Who's lighting the candles this week? What will Mark Jones have in the background? Who's reading the Scriptures? Will there be Sandy-bloopers at the end? What songs did D'Vante pick? And who is Judas Maccabee? Why does Peter always preach with that ugly green wall in the background? All these questions and MORE will be answered in this video! (Except that last question...)

Worship Service for the Week of December 6th

December 6, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 10:1-21

Sermon: Shepherds and Sheep

In this video service we enter into week two of our Advent season. Who will be lighting the second candle? Oh the suspense! :) . We have a kids message as well this week. And join us too as D'Vante teaches on John 10:1-21 about the Good Shepherd vs the Bad Shepherds. And there's something in there about sheep as well!

Worship Service for the Week of November 29th

November 29, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 9:1-41

Sermon: Healing of a Man Born Blind

First Sunday of Advent.  In Isaiah 9 it was prophesied that those living in darkness would see a great light.  In our John 9 text we see a fulfillment of that prophesy as Jesus heals a blind man, giving him both physical and spiritual sight.

Worship Service for the Week of November 22nd

November 22, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 9:1-7

Sermon: The Problem of Pain

Why do bad things happen?  That's what the disciples ask Jesus in our text for today.  I supect you've asked that question too.  Join us in this week's service as we wrestle with the answer Jesus gives.

Worship Service for the Week of November 15th

November 15, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 8:31-59

Sermon: He Came To Set Us Free

Jesus came to set us free. But what is freedom? And set free from what? From sin so we go to heaven when we die? Yes... but it means so much more than that. Jesus came to set you free NOW... in this life. That's the focus of this Sunday's teaching from John 8:31-59.

Worship Service for the Week of November 8th

November 8, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 8:12-30

Sermon: Light of the World

In this Sunday's video service, Peter leads us in worship and D'Vante brings the teaching on our next installment of our John series, John 8:12-30, where Jesus cries out at the Feast - "I am the light of the world!" 

Worship Service for the Week of November 1st

November 1, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 7:53-8:11

Sermon: Grace and Truth

Our montly in-person worship at Ocean5.  If coming in person, please wear masks at all time and maintain social distancing and do a self-assessment of your health before coming.  If watching the live stream from home, see below!  Also, note that we will be having communion this morning so if watching from home I encourage you to have some bread and wine or juice prepared ahead of time.

Worship Service for the Week of October 4

October 4, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 5:18-29

Sermon: Judgment Day

Our first in-person worship at Ocean5 since March.  If coming in person, please wear masks at all time and maintain social distancing and do a self-assessment of your health before coming.  If watching the live stream from home, see below!  Also, note that we will be having communion this morning so I encourage you to have some bread and wine or juice prepared ahead of time.

Worship Service for the Week of September 27th

September 27, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 5:1-18

Sermon: True Sabbath Rest

In this weeks video...
- Mark Jones welcomes us from San Diego (we think)
- Mark Hooper updates us from Michigan
- Peter preaches from Los Angeles
- D'Vante leads worship from his dining room
- Tyrean has a special invitation for us.
- And someone just had a baby

Worship Service for the Week of September 20th

September 20, 2020

Sermon: Four R's to Help in Navigating 2020

In this video service D'Vante leads us in some classic hymns, Mark Hooper gives an Admin update and Peter shares about the Four R's that can help us in dealing with the stress and complexities of life (of which we have an abundance in 2020).  Also, immediately after the message portion of the video, Peter will be giving our Fall Vision Update.

Worship Service for the Week of September 6th

September 6, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Psalm 8:1-9

Sermon: What Does It Mean To Be Human?

In this weeks service D'Vante and the worship band lead us in worship, Ian and Catherine read the Scriptures and invite us to their wedding later this afternoon and we hear message by a spiritual giant in the faith who went to be with Jesus this year.

Worship Service for the Week of August 30th

August 30, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Romans 1:16-17

Sermon: The Insanity of Luther

D'Vante and the One Hope worship band leads us in worship, Sandy gives a review of the Fruit of the Spirit for the kids, Jordan and Fisher make an appearance reciting Gal 5:22 and for our message time we hear from a spiritual giant in the Christian faith who passed away recently.

Worship Service for the Week of August 9th

August 9, 2020
Scripture Texts:  1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Sermon: The Gifts of the Spirit

So what's happening in this weeks video?  How about...
- A baptism in Lake Chelan
- D'Vante singing some classic hymns
- Peter teaching on the gifts of the Spirit
- And a kids message by a gorgeous blond! (my wife, in case you're a visitor)

Worship Service for the Week of July 26th

July 26, 2020

In this special youth Sunday edition of our worship service videos, we present the Bibles we've all been signing and highlighting to our five graduating High School Seniors. Also the youth lead us in worship.

Worship Service for the Week of July 19th

July 19, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Mark 9:14-29

Sermon: The Faithfulness of the Spirit

How do we deal with our doubts when it comes to all the promises connected with the Holy Spirit?  Does any of it sound too good to be true?  D'Vante in this weeks message tackles those common struggles we all have with doubt and directs us to look at what is the true nature of faith.

Worship Service for the Week of July 5th

July 5, 2020
Scripture Texts:  2 Corinthians 3:15-18

Sermon: The Freedom of the Spirit

As we celebrate our freedom as a nation this weekend we also bask in the freedom we have in Christ which we enter into as we learn to walk in the Spirit. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom. That's the message and theme in this weeks worship service video.

Worship Service for the Week of June 28th

June 28, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Ephesians 4:1-6

Sermon: The Unity of the Spirit

In this video D'Vante leads us in worship and Peter shares part four of our summer series on "Walking in the Spirit".  Focus this week is how the Spirit gives us unity and works to transform society.

Worship Service for the Week of April 26th

April 26, 2020
Scripture Texts:  Psalm 46

Sermon: Confidence

In this weeks worship service video guest preacher Michael Bouterse from the Thrive young adult ministry brings a teaching from Psalm 46. Worship is led by D'Vante, Peter and the Moore family. We also introduce our new chuch app.

Worship Service for the Week of March 29th

March 29, 2020
Scripture Texts:  John 4:39-54

Sermon: John: How Faith Comes

As we celebrate our freedom as a nation this weekend we also bask in the freedom we have in Christ which we enter into as we learn to walk in the Spirit. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom. That's the message and theme in this weeks worship service video.