Worship Service for the Week of March 5th
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: Matthew 13:1-11,18-23
Sermon: Parable of the Sower
In this service we look at the first of the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13, the Parable of the Sower... which happens to be a parable about... parables.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
To give your offering, you can either click the below link, or mail your check to our address below:
Or mail check to:
One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question: Which bad habits of other people drive you crazy?
Discussion Questions:
- What jumped out for you in todays message?
- If we are the Sower in the parable, what lesson does God want you to come away with?
- If we are the Field in the parable, which of the three less healthy soils do you most identify with or struggle with?
- If we are the Field and Jesus is the Sower/Gardener, what is his "job" and what is your "job"?
- What is Jesus saying to you right now?