Worship Service for the Week of May 21st
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: James 2:1-13
Sermon: This Is the Way
In this weeks service we finally get to chapter two of James! James 2:1-13 says we should not show personal favoritism. Who would disagree with that? But James says it with such force and emotion. Why? Why is this such a big deal and what is the real heart of the matter? Find out during the teaching time for this service.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
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One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question:
What event would you most want to have the best seats at? World Series? Carnegie Hall? Your kid's school play?
Discussion Questions:
- What jumped out for you from Sunday's sermon or from Sunday's Scripture lesson of James 2:1-13?
- Can you think of a time when you have pre-judged someone based on externals only to find out you were very wrong about the person?
- The teaching here from James must have seemed very counter cultural both in the Jewish and Roman contexts of the day. Can you think of things Jesus said or did that suggest James was influenced by Jesus in his teaching here?
- What is Jesus saying to you right now?