Worship Service for the Week of April 24th
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: Hebrews 10:19-25
Sermon: Draw Near, Hold Fast, Link Arms
Five times in our text the writer says LET US ____ . Find out what those five practical calls are as we continue our study in Hebrews with a look at Hebrews 10:19-25.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
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One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question:
As a child was there a room in your house you were not allowed to enter? Name a place in the world that you would be nervous entering into as an adult?
Discussion Questions:
How can you practically put these five paraphrased LET US statements into practice? How can we do this as a group?
- Let us draw near with boldness to the place of God's presence (v. 22)
- Let us hold fast with a firm grip to the promises that have been made to us (v. 23)
- Let us challenge each other in the area of outreach (v. 24)
- Let us stay connected to each other in authentic relationships (v. 25)
- Let us build each other up (v. 25)