Worship Service for the Week of March 12th
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: Matthew 13:24-30,36-43
Sermon: Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
In this service we will be looking at the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in our continuing study of the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13. It's a parable about how the Kingdom of God is both HERE NOW... but also NOT YET fully. In other words, it's about the war.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
To give your offering, you can either click the below link, or mail your check to our address below:
Or mail check to:
One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question: Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or would you rather go to the future to meet your descendants?
Discussion Questions:
- What jumped out at you in todays text and message?
- How does it make you feel to know that you are one of "God's Kingdom Seeds" that He has planted in His field?
- What was your favorite outreach event that One Hope has done?
- Brainstorm as a group about new ways you can be God's Kingdom seeds in our community.