Series: Gospel of John, Part 3
Scripture Text: John 21:1-19
Final message in our John series and final message from D'Vante before heading off to his new call in Walla Walla.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreFinal message in our John series and final message from D'Vante before heading off to his new call in Walla Walla.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante gives his final message at Ocean5 before getting read to head off to his new call at Wall Walla Presbyterian Church.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante teaches on John 16:25-33.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this weeks worship service video D'Vante brings a teaching on the Holy Spirit from John 16:5-15.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante teaches this week on one of the mountain peak passages of the Bible, where Jesus says, I am the vine, you are the branches... abide in me. What does that really mean? Find out!
Message Audio Message VideoMoreDuring our monthly worship gathering at Ocean5, D'Vante gives himself a graduation ceremony followed by some great teaching on John 14:15-24.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreWhat is heaven really like? D'Vante explores that question in this weeks message based on John 14:1-6.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante continues our series in the gospel of John. Jesus calls us to follow him in laying down our lives and gonig the way of the cross.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this weeks video D'Vante brings a teaching on worship as we continue our back to basics series called REBOOT.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante teaches from Romans 12 as he offers hope, challenge and encouragement for the coming year!
Message Audio Message VideoMoreD'Vante teaches on John 10:1-21 about the Good Shepherd vs the Bad Shepherds. And there's something in there about sheep as well!
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this message, D'Vante teaches from John 8:12-30. In this passage Jesus says, "I am the light of the world." What does that mean and how does it apply to our lives. Find out in this weeks message.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn our text, John 5:31-47, D'Vante shows how Jesus talks about four things that are meant to point to Him, but that we can turn into an idol and miss the point of it all.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreAre you a short term or a long term investor? In this message D'Vante makes a case for being a long term investor in our relationship with Jesus. Expository message on Romans 5:1-5.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreHow do we deal with our doubts when it comes to all the promises connected with the Holy Spirit? Does any of it sound too good to be true? D'Vante in Sunday's message tackles those common struggles we all have with doubt and directs us to look at what is the true nature of faith.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this message D'Vante shares about how the Spirit affirms to our hearts that we are God's children. And as the Holy Spirit comes with this affirmation he comes as three things: Comforter, Helper and "Doubt Ceaser" - he takes away our doubts.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this message Pastor D'Vante gives a practical application to our John 6 theme of feeding on Jesus as the Bread of Life and how we do that through prayer and reading the Word. It's all about relationahip and communication with God empowered by the Spirit.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this sermon D'Vante and Grace team up to deliver an awesome message based on John 6:1-18 and the Feeding of the 5000.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreThis is part two of a message on John 4 and the woman at the well. In this teaching D'Vante talks about the void that exists in each one of us and how only God can fill it.
Message Audio Message VideoMoreIn this powerful and deeply personal message, D'Vante looks at the cultural statement Jesus made by talking to the Sarmitain woman who is sometimes known as "The Woman At the Well." In this teaching we see how Jesus' encounter with this woman shows God's value for people.
Message AudioMoreD'Vante kicks off our new year with an inspiring message about how to move forward into the coming year. It involves letting go of the comparison game and learning to rest in Christ, taking his yoke upon you. Let's move forward together in the grace of Christ, all to the glory of God in 2020!
Message Audio MoreD'Vante launches our new Advent series on the Incarnation with a look at John 1:1-18.
Message Audio MoreD'Vante wraps up our series on "Practicing the Presence of God" looking at the topic of community. D'Vante dives into Acts 2:42-47, showing how we as the church can "practice the presence of God" through community.
Message AudioMoreWhat is Sabbath Rest and why do we need it? Find out in this teaching by Pastor D'Vante.
Message AudioMoreIn this message Pastor D'Vante explores confession and repentence in the words of Psalm 51. He encourages us to move beyond sin management and deeper than confessing the "respectable sins" and to come to that place of true brokenness and heart felt repentance before God and each other.
Message AudioMoreIn this message D'Vante continues our series in the Sermon on the Mount by taking us through Matthew 7:1-6. Prepare to be convicted!
Message AudioMoreIn this Palm Sunday message D'Vante helps us to see the brokenness of our hearts apart from Christ. We need the King to come.
Message AudioMoreThe Kingdom Relationships theme gets radical this week as D'Vante has us look at Jesus' challenging word to us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.
Message AudioMoreD'Vante continues our series on Kingdom Relationships in the Sermon on the Mount by looking at what Jesus said about lust being adultery of the heart in Matthew 5:27-30.
Message AudioMorePastor D'Vante talks about what it means to be the salt of the earth and to help raise the world's blood pressure by being the light of Christ to those around us.
Message AudioMoreDuring this last Sunday of 2018 service, we heard testimonies from Jeremiah Schuler and Sharron Grattan, followed by an encouraging message from D'Vante Rolle.
Message AudioMoreD'Vante continues our series called Jesus in the Old Testament by looking at the story of Jonah.
Message AudioMorePastor D'Vante continues our series Jesus In the Old Testament by looking at the story of Abraham (almost) sacrificing his son Isaac.
Message AudioMoreWe believe in an all-knowing God. However, there are three things God doesn't know. Find out what they are as D'Vante shares from Romans chapter 5.
Message AudioMoreSermon audio did not record for this message. Click more to see the web video summary D'Vante made for our small groups that week.
Message VideoMoreD'Vante continues our series in the I AM statements of Jesus in the Book of John
Message AudioMoreJesus is the only food for the soul that truly satisfies.
Message AudioMoreOur church history series continues as D'Vante shares about the Reformation rediscovery of the Bible as our only authority.
Message AudioMoreHear D'Vante kick off our new series taking us through the adventure of church history
Message AudioMoreD'Vante's last message as an intern and first as OHC staff!
Message AudioMoreExpository teaching: 1 John 2:18-27
Message AudioMoreExpository teaching: 1 John 2:3-11
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