The Covenant of Creation

Scripture Text: Genesis 1:1-4,24-31

Sunday we started a brand new series called "Covenant".  Using the covenant theme in Scripture to do a six week overview of the Old Testament.  The first covenant we looked at Sunday was the Covenant of Creation where we learned in those early chapters of Genesis THREE things about God, TWO things about us and ONE thing about Jesus!

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The Covenant of the Promise

Scripture Text: Genesis 17:1-8

The three great monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - each regard him as the father of their faith. But he grew up worshipping the moon goddess Nana. His name is Abraham and in this message we explore where his faith in the One True God came from along with the incredible meaning of the Abrahamic covenant. 

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The Covenant of the Law

Scripture Text: Exodus 19:1-6,21-25

For our summer series we are going through the six covenants of the Old Testament, and as we come on Sunday to the fourth covenant, the Mosaic Covenant, we come to a bit of a plot twist in the salvation drama unfolding in the Old Testament.  This Sunday we'll explore what the plot twist is, and how it plays into the overall storyline of God's great rescue mission of humanity.

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The Covenant of the Kingdom

Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 7:8-13

It’s been almost one year since Queen Elizabeth II died after being the longest reigning English monarch in history, over 70 years.  And then back in May of this year was good to see Charles finally get a real job at age 73 and stop living off his mom. Isn’t it interesting how fascinated our nation continues to be with the British Royal family?  Why is that?  This Sunday we delve into the answer.

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