The King Builds an Army

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book Two - Cure
Scripture Text: John 1:35-42

Jesus came not just preaching the Kingdom but doing the works of the Kingdom.  He healed the sick and cast out demons.  And then he gave that same authority to his disciples.  Question:  Do we still have that authority?  If so, how and when should we be praying for healing and how do we safeguard ourselves from falling into unhealthy extremes?  Those are the questions we will tackle in this message as we look at nine Biblical clues about healing for the church today.

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The Silent Years

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Isaiah 40:1-8

400 years go by between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament. We call these years the "silent years" because no prophets arose during this time nor were any inspired Scriptures written during this time.  However, God was not really silent.  He was working "under the hood" to get things ready for Jesus.  In this message we explore what happened during these forgotten years.

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The Widow and the General

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 8:4-22

The most powerful king followed by civil war and the emergence of two kingdoms.  That happens and then it just gets confusing.  In this message we make sense of the period of the kings of Israel and Judah and discover an Advent season romance embedded right in the heart of ancient Israel's story.

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Absalom the Usurper

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 18:19-33

In this message we begin the season of Advent.  We will light the Prophecy Candle in expectation and hope of the coming of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David.  And we will also look at the tragic life of another "son of David" (Absalom) and how David's "father-fail" set the stage for a Descendant of his to accomplish what David could not bring himself to do.

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The Life Between

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Numbers 13:26-14:9

God dramatically rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and into a destiny for them in the Land of Promise that he is taking them to. But before getting to that land of promise the Israelites experience 40 years of wilderness wandering. In this message we do an overview of that "wilderness wandering" period for God's people and see what we can learn about our own wilderness seasons in our lives.

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The Great Rescue

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Exodus 3:1-14

Everything in the Old Testament are like shadows for which Jesus and the Gospel is the real object casting the shadow. Two of the greatest shadows in the Old Testament are the Passover and the Red Sea Crossing. In this message we explore those two shadows and what we learn about the gospel from them. NOTE: The first half of the sermon did not record the audio so this video is only of the second half of the message.

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The First Believer

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Genesis 11:27-12:8

The three great monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - each regard him as the father of their faith. But he grew up worshiping  the moon goddess Nana in present day Iraq. His name is Abraham and in this message we will explore where his faith in the One True God came from and what it was that made Abraham one of those most significant figures in all of human history.

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The World Before the Flood

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Genesis 4:1-16

Cain killed Abel and then was banished to the east.  Then he found a wife, had a kid and built a city.  So... if Cain is the firstborn of Adam and Eve, where did all the people come from?  Find out one possible answer to that question, along with three core lessons from the Cain and Abel story in this message.

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Broken Beautiful World

Through the Bible Series

Series: Trilogy - Book One - Diagnosis
Scripture Text: Genesis 3:1-15

If the stories of the Bible were a trilogy of books, book one would be the Old Testament, book two would be the gospels and book three would be the history of the early church in the book of Acts.  Or maybe we could give them the three titles of "Diagnosis", "Cure" and "Treatment".  In this message we begin a 12 month journey through the Scriptures and see the thread that ties it all together.

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Peter's Meltdown of Regret

Four Things to Do With Our Regrets

Series: Epic Meltdowns of the Bible
Scripture Text: Matthew 26:69-75

What did Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Sir Isaac Newton all have in common?  They were individuals who all left a positive mark on history, but who suffered with severe bouts of depression.  Another such individual was the Prophet Elijah.  In this message we look at what contributed to Elijah's meltdown of depression and the three things God did to help him out of it.

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Elijah's Meltdown of Depression

Series: Epic Meltdowns of the Bible
Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18

What did Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Sir Isaac Newton all have in common?  They were individuals who all left a positive mark on history, but who suffered with severe bouts of depression.  Another such individual was the Prophet Elijah.  In this message we look at what contributed to Elijah's meltdown of depression and the three things God did to help him out of it.

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Jesus Is TOUGH

What Made Jesus Angry?

Series: Jesus Is _____
Scripture Text: Luke 9:20-25,51-62

In our final message of our "character study of Jesus" series we get to some of the harder sayings of Jesus.  But we can now look at these challenging words of Jesus in the context of what we already know about him - that he is compassionate, forgiving, gentle and protective. And we'll be able to conclude that there are times when he also shows some tough love.

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Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild - Really?

Series: Jesus Is _____
Scripture Text: Matthew 11:16-30

Gentle Jesus meek and mild.  Does that truly describe the Jesus who overturned tables in the temple and said I didn't come to bring peace but a sword? And yet... Jesus says in Matthew 11, "I am gentle".  Was Jesus bipolar?  Or did he just have massive mood swings?  Find out in week three of our series learning about God by looking at the character traits of Jesus.

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...and generous

Series: Jesus Is _____
Scripture Text: Luke 5:17-26

What is God really like?  How can you know you're not just believing what you would like to be true?  We can know for sure by looking at Jesus and how he acted and what he taught.  Jesus came to show us what God is like.  This week in this series we look at the forgiving nature of God, and also his radical generosity.

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The Ending Credits

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 16:1-27

The grand finale of the book of Romans may seem a bit anticlimactic.  Romans 16 is a bit like watching the credits roll at the end of a movie.  But, it turns out there are some great lessons embedded in the credits!  In this message we wrap up our nine month journey through the greatest letter ever written.

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When We Passionately Disagree

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 14:1 - 15:13

What do you do when you have a fellow Christian with whom you passionately disagree with about something and you're pretty sure you're right and they are wrong?  Of course this is a complete hypothetical and would NEVER happen in real life... *cough* *cough*.  In this message we look at Romans 14 and see five guidelines to use in handling disagreements with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Follow the Leader?

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 13:1-14

What does the Bible say about our responsibilities to, and our relationship with, our governing authorities?  Does the Apostle Paul really teach that we need to do everything government employee James Wilborn commands? In this message hear James Wilborn himself tell us the answer as he gives a message on Paul’s writings in Romans chapter 13 and God’s appointment of earthly rulers and governments.

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Twelve Marks of the Church

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 12:9-13

After eleven chapters of Romans giving theology and doctrine, maybe you're the type of person who says, don't give me theory... just tell me what to do!  Be careful what you ask for.  In our text for this message we have only five verses but in them are twelve marks of the church - twelve things we're to do as Christians!

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Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 12:1-2

What is the therefore there for? After 11 chapters of setting the groundwork and six months of reading Romans, Paul finally unveils God's plan for us. Find out in this message where Romans has been heading all along as Joel Price preaches on Romans 12:1-2.

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The Israel Question

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 10:16-11:12

Support for the modern day nation of Israel has unfortunately become something of a hot topic these days. What should the Christian's attitude be towards Israel?  Romans 11 gives us some helpful hints towards a balanced perspective.  In this message we wrestle together with an important topic.  Text is Romans 10:16-11:12.

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The Missions Link

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 10:1-15

Romans 9 to 11 is not about divine election.  It's about global evangelism.  It's the "missions link" that is often the "missing link" from most studies of the book of Romans. In this message we look at Romans 10:1-15 where Paul uses that missions link to start to pull it all together.

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Clay Pots and The Cornerstone

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 9:17-33

What do all three of these statements have in common? Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know… (what you’re going to get.) God is the potter. We are the clay.  The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  Find out in "Clay Pots and The Cornerstone", as Tyrean Martinson leads us on a study of Romans 9:17-33.

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The Chapter People Skip

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 9:1-16

Romans 8 is the chapter everyone loves.  Romans 9 is the chapter everybody skips.  In this message we begin a new section in Romans 9-11 which on the surface appears to be about happy-fun topics like election and predestination.  But it's actually about something else.  And that 'something else' happens to be the key to the entire book of Romans.

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Slaves of Righteousness?

The Power of the Gospel to Free You

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 6:15-23

Paul in our Romans text for this Sunday (Romans 6:15-23) says that we are no longer a slave to sin but have become a slave of righteousness.  I personally used to struggle with that verse until I learned the secret of what that verse really means.  That secret is shared in this message.

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The Goal of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel to Change You

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 6:1-14

If salvation is really a free gift and not dependent on how we live, then why can't we just live anyway we want?  That is the question that Paul asks as we move into Part Two of Romans, beginning with Romans chapter 6.  And once he answers that question, the rest of Romans 6 (and Romans 7 and 8) is all about how real transformation happens.

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The Mirror

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 3:1-20

Last week the central message of our Romans 2:16-27 text was that Religion Can't Save You!  Well, then what is it good for?  That's the focus this Sunday as Paul wraps up this first major section of Romans and prepares for the greatest pivot in the whole Bible.  Text is Romans 3:1-20.  And the pivot starts in the very next verse!

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The Big Setup

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 2:1-16

It was all a set up.  That's what last week's text was, Romans 1:18-32. This Sunday we'll revisit that text and the downward spiral of humanity and the decadence of a corrupt culture flowing from the Fall... and THEN see how Paul springs his trap in Romans 2:1-16. Paul was just setting you and me up.

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The Downward Spiral of Humanity

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 1:18-32

Houston, we have a problem!  Last Sunday we started our new series in the book of Romans by looking at Paul's thesis statement for Romans - that the Gospel is God's power to save everyone!  Starting this Sunday, Paul begins to defend that thesis.  Why the gospel? Why is it so needed?  Why can't there be some other way? Paul forcefully begins to give an answer to those questions in the second half of chapter 1.  This Sunday... Romans 1:18-32.

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The Thesis Statement

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 1:1-17

This Sunday we start our new year long series in the Book of Romans!  This will be a rich study in what some consider the greatest letter in the New Testament.  It's Paul's magnum opus!  And it's all about the Gospel of Grace, as well as how to make sense of the Old Testament in the light of Jesus!

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The Covenant of the Kingdom

Series: Covenant
Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 7:8-13

It’s been almost one year since Queen Elizabeth II died after being the longest reigning English monarch in history, over 70 years.  And then back in May of this year was good to see Charles finally get a real job at age 73 and stop living off his mom. Isn’t it interesting how fascinated our nation continues to be with the British Royal family?  Why is that?  This Sunday we delve into the answer.

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The Covenant of the Law

Series: Covenant
Scripture Text: Exodus 19:1-6,21-25

For our summer series we are going through the six covenants of the Old Testament, and as we come on Sunday to the fourth covenant, the Mosaic Covenant, we come to a bit of a plot twist in the salvation drama unfolding in the Old Testament.  This Sunday we'll explore what the plot twist is, and how it plays into the overall storyline of God's great rescue mission of humanity.

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The Covenant of Creation

Series: Covenant
Scripture Text: Genesis 1:1-4,24-31

Sunday we started a brand new series called "Covenant".  Using the covenant theme in Scripture to do a six week overview of the Old Testament.  The first covenant we looked at Sunday was the Covenant of Creation where we learned in those early chapters of Genesis THREE things about God, TWO things about us and ONE thing about Jesus!

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Three Abuses of Wealth

Series: Book of James
Scripture Text: James 5:1-11

In the message we enter into the final chapter of James and the first six verses are a blistering indictment upon the "rich"! Well... lest you get comfortable, by the world's standards... you are one of these "rich".  In this message we'll see how Scripture (and James) teaches it's no sin to be rich. But James does identify three abuses of wealth and so it's a warning to all of us. But he also gives us the solution in the second half of our text.

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Sticks and Stones

Series: Book of James
Scripture Text: James 3:1-12

Here's an irony for you.  The last few weeks we've been looking at James chapter 2 where the message is, "It's not so much what you say that matters but what you do!"  In this teaching we move into chapter three where the message is, "But what you say does matter!"  In this sermon we look at the power of words to direct the course of a life, to bless people, to damage people, to reveal what's inside, and to heal.  

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Parable of the Net

Series: Kingdom Parables
Scripture Text: Matthew 13:47-52

This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  It's also called Passion Sunday because it marks the beginning of Christ's week of passioniate suffering for us.  Why has Jesus come to this point?  Why is he here?  What motivated him to come to Jersualem knowing it would end in his death five days later?  We learn of his motivation in the last of the seven parables of Matthew 13.

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Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

Series: Kingdom Parables
Scripture Text: Matthew 13:31-35

In this message we welcome our special guest speaker, Paul Gossman, director of World Mission Prayer League (the mission agency that Pat Lelvis had served with).  Paul will be continuing our series in the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 as well as giving us a great spotlight on what God is up to in our world and how we can be a part of it!

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Clearing Up the Confusion About Tongues

Series: Gifted
Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 13

So what really is the deal with the tongues gift? Is it auto suggestion? Could it sometimes be demonic? Is it legit? And if authentic, what is it's purpose and how should it be used? 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 has the answers. In this message we take a deep dive into what the Bible actually teaches about the gift of tongues as we wrap up our series on the Gifts of the Spirit.

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When God Turned the Volume Down

Scripture Text: Luke 2:1-20

Do you ever have doubts?  I do.  Even though I believe we have reason to believe as we do and even though I have experienced God in several ways, still we believe in something we cannot see and that means doubts will naturally come.  Why?  Why does God make believing him so hard?  This Christmas Eve message explores that question.

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The Mary Miracle

Series: The Unexpected King
Scripture Text: Luke 1:26-36

There are four parts to the Mary Miracle.  In this message we explore what that those four pieces are and how we can all get in on the Mary Miracle. NOTE: I'm indebted to Dave Johnson for this message who I heard preach this message way back in 1993.  It has stuck with me all these years so glad to be able to share this message with each of you as well.

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The Dress Rehearsal

Series: The Unexpected King
Scripture Text: Exodus 1:8-10,22; 2:1-8

Imagine you are behind the scenes at a dress rehearsal for an upcoming play or on set, preparing for an exciting new film about the greatest star of the universe. Are you longing for things to get started, anticipating the joy of what's to come, or dreading the possibility of someone finding out you haven't memorized your lines yet? In this message Tyrean helps us get behind the scenes on God's Story, and how he created the best foreshadowing of all time in the life of Moses as a preparation for Jesus.

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How God Ended the Feud in OBADIAH

Series: Messengers: Exploring the Minor Prophets
Scripture Text: Obadiah 1:8-18

Week Four of our new series going through the Minor Prophets!  This week we look at the Book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament - only 21 verses!  On the surface its a judgment against Edom.  Digging deeper we find its all about a family feud going back 1500 years.  This message is all about how God ended the feud.

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Calling Out Injustice in AMOS

Series: Messengers: Exploring the Minor Prophets
Scripture Text: Amos 5:18-24

Week three of our new series going through the Minor Prophets!  This week we look at the Book of Amos.  Amos was a farmer turned prophet who acted as a whistleblower calling out the northern kingdoms oppression of the poor during a period of unprecedented wealth.  Amos is a book that speaks as powerfully today as it did back then. 

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God's Covenant Love in HOSEA

Series: Messengers: Exploring the Minor Prophets
Scripture Text: Hosea 3:1-5

This message is the first in our new 12 week series going through the Minor Prophets. Each week we will do a brief overview of one of the Minor Prophets as well as look at one theme from the text. In this message we give some context for the Minor Prophets and then dive into the first book: Hosea. It's all about how God saved his marriage... and ours!

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Adopting Jesus' View of the Bible

Series: Public Faith: Joining Jesus on His Mission
Scripture Text: John 5:31-40

When it comes to the Bible, how should we view it?  Is it authorative?  Good advice?  Inspiring stories?  Outdated?  Irrelevant?  Well, for the Christian there really is only one answer.  And that is how did Jesus view the Bible.  As Jesus followers we will want to see the Bible as Jesus did.  That's the focus for this message which can also aid us in sharing with others what we believe the Bible is and why.

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Doing the Work of Pre-Evangelism

Series: Public Faith: Joining Jesus on His Mission
Scripture Text: Romans 1:18-20; 2:12-16

Last weeks message was about What IS the Gospel? This message is both about how to share the gospel and also how to do the work of "pre-evangelism" by helping people wrestle with the questions of... "how can you know that God exists?" and... for the person with a worldview that says all truth is relative, how can you help them see that there ARE absolute moral laws and that they actually believe that there is, even if they don't think they do.

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Falling Away

Series: Hebrews
Scripture Text: Hebrews 5:11-6:12

This is the text Peter has been dreading coming to the whole series. In this message we tackle the controversial question of "Can someone lose their salvation?" The question comes up in our text where it talks about the person who has fallen away and who cannot come back to repentance. Tough text. But this is the Word of the Lord - thanks be to God. Hebrews 5:11-6:12.

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Lessons from the Desert

Series: Life of Moses
Scripture Text: Exodus 15, 16, 17, 18

You ever do a travelogue?  On this day we went "here" and saw "this" and this is what we discovered.  That's what Moses and the Israelite troop did as they trounced through the wilderness from the Red Sea to Sinai.  In this message we take a look at their travelogue and five significant things that happened on the trail and five lessons learned along the way. 

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Series: Gospel of John, Part 3
Scripture Text: John 15:9-17

Jesus in John 15:9-17 offers his disciples (and us) friendship with God. What does that mean? Find out in this weeks worship service video (that is, if you can... Peter for some reason felt it was a good idea to record the message OUTSIDE on the weekend of the Tacoma-Narrows Air Show! - final third is quite humous actually...).

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Show Us the Father

Series: Gospel of John, Part 3
Scripture Text: John 14:-6-14

How can you really know what God is like?  The book of Hebrews says that Jesus is the exact presentation of his being.  If you want to know what God is like... look at his Son Jesus.  Our text this week communicates the same thing.  Jesus says if you've seen me, you've seen the Father.  He is what the Father is like.  So in this weeks teaching we did a blitz through the gospel accounts to discover four things that describe Jesus... and the Father.  The first two are predictable.  The second two may surprise you.  Listen this weeks message to find out what they are!

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Come To the Party!

Part 8 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Luke 15:11-24

In this final sermon of the series we wrap up our Livin' Forgiven series by watching the final session of the class recorded five years ago at One Hope. Join Pat Lelvis as we together seek to say YES to the invitation of Jesus to "Come to the Party!"

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This Changes Everything

Series: Gospel of John, Part 3
Scripture Text: John 20:19-31

In this Easter message Peter prepares us for the third part of our John study by having us look at the second half of the John 20 account of the resurrection.  In it we find how the resurrection changed a band of fearful men into revolutionaries who turned the world upside down.  We also relate to Thomas who needed proof.  Jesus gives us what each of us needs to believe if our hearts are toward him.

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I'm My Own Enemy

Part 6 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Romans 8:1

In the sixth sermon in this series, Pat seeks to unearth the cause of false guilt and how to defeat it. Self-condemnation is yet another cause of false guilt.  It goes like this:  we decide to do better, we mess-up, we berate ourselves, judge ourselves, beat ourselves up.  “How can you be so stupid, or dumb, or careless, or...”  The guilt piles up as we rehearse the scene over and over again.  There seems to be no way out. Imagine confidently declaring to yourself: “There is ... now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

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Sources of False Guilt

Part 5 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Isaiah 53

In the fifth session in the series, Pat seeks the truth behind tough questions. Another title for this session could be: The Ottas and the Gottas and the Shouldas. These are messages we pick up from our surroundings...our “world.” Why can’t you? Why don’t you? Why do you always? These are not honest questions. They are veiled condemnations, meaning you are not ok the way you are. You don’t measure up. This is another source of false guilt. Imagine how freeing to be able to say, “I am not on trial and you are not my judge!”

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If I’m Forgiven, How Come I Still Feel Guilty?

Part 4 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Revelation 1:5-6

In the fourth session, Pat seeks answers to questions. If I’m forgiven, how come I still feel guilty?  Or, since I’m forgiven, how come I still feel guilty?  These questions plagued Pat and the answers take up the next three sessions. The truth is that though we live in the Kingdom of Light, we have enemies out to rob us of our joy…Satan, the world and our old nature...sources of false guilt.  It takes discernment to recognize the lies and accusations of Satan.  Imagine: we have been given authority over him!

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Home Free

Part 3 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Eph 1:7; Col 2:13

In the third session, Pat seeks to verify the validity of this ultimate absolution by exploring the Word of God. “On the basis of the Word of God and what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross, I hereby declare to you the total forgiveness of all your sins, past, present and future!”  Really?  Can that be true?  Is that right?.  Imagine this: it’s true!  First video and audio link is for her sermon in 2021 and then the full clas recording from 2016 is also included below.

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Part 2 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: Colossians 1:13

In this second session, Pat explores the biblical construct of the universe: The Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light. Imagine the relief of being rescued out of the Kingdom of Darkness! But then, there is no other way out.  Imagine being adopted in the Perfect Kingdom! There is no other way in!  First video and audio link is for her sermon in 2021 and then the full clas recording from 2016 is also included below.

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Free to Fail!

Part 1 of 8

Series: Livin' Forgiven
Scripture Text: John 8:36

In this opening session, Pat tells of a spiritually dark time in her life. Though she was a long-time Christian and a missionary, she lost connection with God, and wandered in the darkness of doubt and guilt. In response to her cry, God sent an unlikely person to lead her out of darkness back into the Light. Oh, the wonder of God’s unconditional love, of absolute absolution and of the power of the resident Holy Spirit!  Imagine the startling announcement to a perfectionist:  "Isn't it great to know you're free to fail?"

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The Missio Dei

Series: Reboot
Scripture Text: Acts 1:8

In this message Peter launches a new five part series called "Reboot". In this series we'll be looking at the four things the early church devoted themselves to. But for this first message in the series we talk about the Missio Dei - "The Mission of God". We do the four things so we can better participate in the Missio Dei!

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The Guidance of the Spirit

Series: Walking in the Spirit
Scripture Text: Acts 16:1-10

Wouldn't it be great if we had a crystal ball to just tell us what to do whenever we faced a major life decision.  Some people treat the Holy Spirit like a crystal ball.  But the Holy Spirit is not a crystal ball.  The Holy Spirit is a person.  The Holy Spirit a peron on a mission.  And so His guidance usually has something to do with that mission.  The guidance of the Spirit is usually about our marching orders for the day!

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Scripture Text: Psalm 46

In this message Michael from our ministry partner Thrive share a word on Psalm 46 showing that in it we are given a promise of confidence, the secret of confidence and an invitation to confidence.

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Becoming an Online Church - Responding to the Coronavirus Crisis

Scripture Text: Psalm 46

Below is the full service that we streamed live on Sunday, March 15, before going mobile for the coming weeks due to the coronavirus.  Lots of information during the message time (too much probably).  The audio for the sermon part is a bit hard to hear so for that part you may want to listen to either the message audio posted below the video, or the last block below containing a video of the slides along with the message audio.  Also, see resources at end of this post for two docs on communion.  Be blessed in celebrating the Lords Supper in your homes these coming weeks.

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John: Ethnicity, Sex and the Outcast

What Jesus' Interaction With The Sarmitain Woman Says About His Character

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 4:1-26

In this powerful and deeply personal message, D'Vante looks at the cultural statement Jesus made by talking to the Sarmitain woman who is sometimes known as "The Woman At the Well."  In this teaching we see how Jesus' encounter with this woman shows God's value for people.

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John: He Must Increase

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 3:22-30

In this weeks text we return to John the Baptist who we spent time with in chapter one.  John, the gospel writer, seems to be offering us a contract between John the Baptist and Nicodemus who we looked at last week.  In this weeks teaching we ask the question where does your joy come from?  For John the Baptist it comes from Christ.  But can we really have that kind of joy even when things are not going well?  Pastor Peter shares his own struggles in that arena this week but also offers some hope and direction for how to return to that true source of real joy every single day.

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John: The New Birth

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 3:1-15

Jesus said to Nicodemus unless you are born again of water and the Spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.  Being born again, Jesus said, is an absolute necessity.  Why is that?  And what does it mean to be born again and how do you know that you are born again?  Those are the questions tackled in this message on John 3:1-15.

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John: Cleansing the Temple

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 2:13-22

Jesus was zealous for the temple, for His House, meant to be a house of prayer for all people - for the nations.  It was distorted and corrupted in his day, and so came in anger.  But through his death and resurrection he has restored the true temple, access back to Eden and so now made us to be His New Temple - filled with the Holy Spirit we are to be that reflection of his glory and light to the nations.  He is still zealous for His temple.  He is zealous for you!

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John: The First Sign

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 2:1-11

The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine was more than just saving a bridal couple from social embarrassment.  It's a sign that reveals something significant about who Jesus, what he means and why he came.  The lesson in this miracle is to be the lens through which we view the call of Jesus to follow him with total commitment.  What it points to is our relationship to Jesus as that of a bride to her groom!  In viewing Christ like that, total commitment takes on a new dimension.

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John: Come and See

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 1:35-51

The text for this message is about the calling fo Jesus' first disciples.  It's all about what it means to be a Jesus follower.  What is he calling us to when he calls us to follow?  Three things we found in the text.  Listen find out what those three things are.

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John: Lamb of God

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 1:19-34

In week two of our series in John we look at John the Baptist and how he viewed himself and how he viewed Christ.  Turns out he didn't even really see himself, he just saw Christ.  And he saw Christ as three things:  Lamb of God, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and Son of God.  In this weeks message we explore what that meant to John and what it means to us.

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John: Introduction

Series: Gospel of John, Part 1
Scripture Text: John 1:1-18

In this message Peter kicks off our new series in the Gospel of John.  We will be taking all of 2020 to go through John, 40 weeks with John the Evangelist, spread out over the coming year.  In this opening message we learn about who John really was, when and why he wrote this Gospel, and we receive an invitation to allow God to plant new life in us and to see it grow and to be birthed in the coming 40 weeks.

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Leaving 2019 - Pursuing 2020

Scripture Text: Psalm 73:1-28

D'Vante kicks off our new year with an inspiring message about how to move forward into the coming year.  It involves letting go of the comparison game and learning to rest in Christ, taking his yoke upon you.  Let's move forward together in the grace of Christ, all to the glory of God in 2020!

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Incarnation: Philippians 2

Series: Incarnation
Scripture Text: Phil 2:1-11

In this final message of our Incarnation series, and the final teaching text of the year, Peter ties in our overarching Kingdom theme of 2019 with a look at how Jesus through the Incarnation gave us the ultimate Kingdom Example for us to follow.  

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Incarnation: Colossians 1

Series: Incarnation
Scripture Text: Colossians 1:15-20

This is part two of a three part look at the Incarnation of Christ the Son of God.  As we give into this majestic text of Colossians 1:15-20 what we find is this is not a doctrine to be studied but it's a song to be sung and dance to be danced.  Listen to hear the Song of the Incarnation - Jesus from Beginning to End.

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Fighting Strongholds, Finding Freedom

Series: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds
Scripture Text: John 8:31-36

Pastor Tom is one of Peter's best friends.  They've known each other since Bible school days, and Pastor Tom joins us for this weeks message to continue our series on Spiritual Strongholds.  Tom has very balanced approach to the topic of spiritual warfare and to the power of strongholds in our lives.  In this message Tom gives some solid bible teaching around this topic along with some meaningful peronal examples from his own life.

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Practicing the Presence through Singing

Series: Practicing the Presence of God

Why do we worship?  Why do we sing?  Is worship and singing for everyone or is it just for the musical or those with a more emotional makeup.  In this message Pastor Peter makes the case that singing really is for everyone and then leads us through some practical steps we can take each week and throughout the week, to lead ourselves into worship - you can learn to be your own worship leader.

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Practicing the Presence through Reading

The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Study

Series: Practicing the Presence of God

One of the chief ways that God has given us to connect with His Son Jesus is the Word of God, the Bible.  The Bible is the Holy Spirits book, and as Jesus said to the Pharisees, it all points to Him.  We abide in Jesus as we abide in His Word.  But how do we do that?  In this practical message Pastor Peter gives 10 tips and resources for digging into the Word.

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Jacob: The Winner

Series: The Messy Life of Jacob

On the night before what Jacob thought was to be the critical moment of his life - his reunion with a brother who had wanted to kill him - he has an encounter with a man who wrestles with him all night long.  Turns out this man was God himself.  But God could not win the fight.  Jacob won.  How as that possible?  Find out in this message as Peter wraps up a four week study of the messy life of Jacob.

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Jacob: The Struggle

Series: The Messy Life of Jacob
Scripture Text: Genesis 29:13-35

People with an inner emptiness give themselves to the hope that there is that person out there who is their one true love that will solve everything and will meet every need. Jacob and Leah were two such people. Which one will a find a way to fill that inner void? Find out in part three of our Jacob series this Sunday.  Note:  Indebted to Tim Keller who I borrowed from liberally for this series.

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Jacob: The Dream

Series: The Messy Life of Jacob
Scripture Text: Genesis 28:10-22

Part 2 of our journey the life of Jacob, the messy like of Jacob.  First week we saw Jacob trying to dress up like someone else to get the blessing, something we all tend to do.  This week, after losing everything, and not even looking for God, God finds Jacob.  God finds Jacob in the midst of his brokenness because he is attracted to his brokenness.  Just as he is attracted to us when we come to him just as we are in the midst of our failure and sin and need. Jacob has a dream in this moment of destituteness.  Find out what it means for Jacob... and for us. Note:  Indebted to Tim Keller who I borrowed ...

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Jacob: The Blessing

Series: The Messy Life of Jacob

Jacob tried to do what all of us do.   He tried to get the blessing by dressing as someone else.  But it didn't really work.  Only when we come to God just as we are do we receive the true blessing of the firstborn found in Christ alone. Note:  Indebted to Tim Keller who I borrowed from liberally for this series.

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Repentance Leads to Worship

Scripture Text: Psalm 51

In this message Pastor D'Vante explores confession and repentence in the words of Psalm 51.  He encourages us to move beyond sin management and deeper than confessing the "respectable sins" and to come to that place of true brokenness and heart felt repentance before God and each other.

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Finishing Strong

Scripture Text: 2 Tim 4

In this message, guest preacher Michael Bouterse from Thrive young adult ministry, shares about Paul's final words to Timothy, encouraging and teaching us all, about how we end matters.  Explore in this teaching the keys to finsihing well and going the distance.

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The Startling Conclusion

Series: Sermon on the Mount
Scripture Text: Matthew 7:13-29

In this message Pastor Peter brings our six month series in the Sermon on the Mount to a close as we look at how Jesus brought the Sermon home with a startling ending.  In this challeging word, Jesus emphasizes that you must pass through the narrow gate to enter the Kingdom.  He also gives the stern warning that some people who think they are Christian really are not.  Find out in this message what are the true marks of an authentic Christian.

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One Does Count

Scripture Text: Luke 15:1-10

Pastor Bill preaches this week on the lost sheep and the lost coin whcih reveals God's passionate love for every person and how are are to reach out to those around us like Jesus would.  He also cautions that anyone of us could wander away as well and get lost and so we need each other to help us all keep our eyes fixed on the Shepherd!

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What If It Were True?

Series: Sermon on the Mount
Scripture Text: Matthew 7:7-11

In this message Peter asks the question, What if it were true that God Really was your Good Father.  If you knew for certain this truth in your heart, not just your mind, how would that truth impact what you ask for ... what you seek?  

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Breaking Free From Worry

Series: Sermon on the Mount

In this message Pastor Peter continues our journey through the Sermon on the Mount with a look at what Jesus says about worry in Matthew 6:25-34.  Turns out he is still talking about the mammon we looked at last week.  Jesus wants us free from mammon and from worry.  Explore how in this message.

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Kingdom Economics

Series: Sermon on the Mount
Scripture Text: Matthew 6:19-24

We continue our focus on the Kingdom of God and how the Kingdom works as we move into this important text on our relationship to our money and possessions as Kingdom people.  The key is God calls us to be smart investors as he makes the appeal to our desire.

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Living Hope

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9

For Easter this year, Pastor Peter preaches on 1 Peter 1:3 and our living hope that comes through the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  We all need that Living Hope that serves as an anchor for our souls.

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Doing the Secret Things

Series: Sermon on the Mount

How do you do the Kingdom?  You have to believe something and you have to do something.  You have to believe God is your Father and that He is for you.  And you have to do the secret things.  Last week we looked at the importance of seeking God as our Father.  This week we explore what it means to do the secret things.

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No Third Thing

Series: Sermon on the Mount
Scripture Text: Matthew 6:1-6; 16-18

Pastor Peter continues our journey through the Sermon on the Mount and our theme of the Kingdom of God but asking the question HOW do we "do the Kingdom"?  In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us the clue.  Turns out we have to believe something and we have to do something.  Find out what those things are in this weeks message.

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Parables of the Kingdom

Scripture Text: Matthew 13

Michael Bouterse of the Thrive young adult ministry continues our theme on the Kingdom of God by focussing on four parables of the Kingdom recorded in Matthew 13.

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Anger Management

Series: Sermon on the Mount

As we continue to follow the Sermon on the Mount we come to a passage in which Jesus addresses the topic of anger.  Anger is basically a good thing, but it's gone wrong, and can become destructive.  How can it be healed?  How can we be angry well?  Find out in this weeks message...

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Church Update - Sept 2018

After our first five months at Ocean5 and moving into the first Fall at Ocean5, Pastor Peter provides an update on the state of our church, a reminder of why we made the move we did, and our strategy for going forward.

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Galatians 2: Dying to Live

Series: Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 2:15-21

If we're saved by grace and totally free, but that we still can't just do whatever we want... what's up with that?  How does this grace thing work and what does it really mean?  The secret is in Galatians chapter 2.

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